Orions birthday party was on Saturday, which meant mom was supposed to make a really kewl cake! Friday was supposed to be pack nite for him so I opted to make the cake on Thursday and keep it in the fridge until the party on Saturday. Why not make it Saturday morning you ask??? Well that's because on Saturday morning our electrician was coming in to switch over our service from a 100 amp to a 200 amp service so we had no power most the day. SO Thursday afternoon I whipped up "The Best Pokeball Cake EVER!!" (that's what the boy said anyway...you tell me, what do you think??)

I know, it's not the greatest BUT concidering shortly before I started the cake I spiked a 102 fever I thought I did pretty darn good!
Friday rolled around and I woke up with fever, chills, body aches, etc...full blown flu symptoms! I stayed in bed all day Friday and called the pack leaders and told them Orion would not be attending the first meeting of the year unless they wanted me to give all the cub scouts a nice case of the flu as a door prize...yeah they agreed with me and told me to go back to bed lol
Saturday rolled around, I slept until somewhere in the range of noon or 1 in the afternoon. Orion spent his morning watching the electrician work, playing on his Nintendo DS next to me in bed and being a very good boy! He was very concerned that he would not be able to go to his birthday party but I told him no way was I canceling that out so I took heavy doses of dayquil, sucked it up and threw him a Rock-N-Bowl birthday party that he's likely never to forget! I lost my voice about half way through, felt totally miserable by the time parents came to pick up their kids at 8pm, but Orion had a BLAST with the other children...I just kept my distance, made hubby take photos, help out around the kids serving food and such, and trust me he was great! The photos turned out mostly blurry because my cheapy camera doesn't take action photos very well and quite frankly it's hard to get eleven 9 year olds to sit still for any length of time lol You can tell they had fun though and that's what truly matters!
Sunday I woke up to completely no voice, still had a fever, body aches etc. I layed on the couch most the day until we had to go over to my mother-in-laws so she could see Orion (since Sunday was his "birthday birthday" as he called it lol) So I went over there and ended up laying on her couch for the afternoon while Orion played with the kids in her neighborhood and had cake and ice cream and opened some more presents.
Monday...got Orion off to school and crashed for the day....still no voice, fever, body aches etc. Got up around 2pm, took a shower, had a quick lunch then got Orion from school. Came home and dozed on the couch with hubby while Orion did homework and played quietly......did I mention hubby came down with this flu Sunday so we were both now sick and poor Orion was fending for himself :( I managed to cook him food to eat...hubby and I lived off chicken soup!
Tuesday my voice started coming back, but still not good enough to work. The cough was bad still, fever was down to low-grade and body aches started to fade. I was feeling a bit less like I had been run over by a truck, but the lack of energy was still very strong and I slept through most of that day as well...hubby was right there with me. Thankfully he was actually scheduled to be off work these days so he didn't miss out on making money (since he's the real money maker and I am just supplemental...it's way more important he doesn't miss work if possible!)
Wednesday came around I was feeling half human by I still sounded like Selma from the Simpsons lol Not good enough to be talking on the phone for 6 hours straight so I had to cancel out yet again! Thnkfully I am my own boss and I can get away with doing that...I don't get paid but I won't fire myself either so it's all good in the long run. Hubby dosed heavily with dayquil and returned to work...thankfully he made it through hs day but he fell asleep around 9pm which really is unheard of for him...he's usually up until 1 am and still can function on 5 hours sleep!
Today I finally am feeling like I MIGHT be able to work tonight IF I can drink enough tea, suck enough halls and get my voice fully recovered. For the most part it just feels like there's this big lump of something in my throat...I'm sure it's just swollen vocal cords but still no fun! I miss working and making money darn it! Hubby is at work, boy is at school and I am posting on here because the cable is down so I can't slack on the couch watching America's Next Top Model re-runs...or whatever else might be on.
SO I don't think I'll do an actual Thoughtful Thursday cause I'm just too darn tired from this flu and I don't think wearing myself down emotionally is a good idea. I kinda wonder if last weeks post was enough of an emotional drain to actually make me get sick in the first place...hmmmm the body works in mysterious ways doesn't it????
Anyway, ya'all have a great week, may it be way better than this past one has been for me! Although it was nice to watch my boy play and turn 9 years old, hug him at the exact minute of his birth and tell him how much I love him and how proud of him I am...I just wish I had felt better while it was all going on cause then it would have been the icing on the cake...which IMO IS indeed the best part!
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